First and foremost, we are proud of what we have achieved to date. We couldn’t have built what we have without your support. We’ve been overwhelmed with your positive feedback throughout the uncertain times we’ve faced with the current situation.
Without doubt our business, and many others, are facing the long lasting impacts of Covid-19. As publishers, our main revenue stream comes from subscriptions, retail sales and more significantly, advertisers and partners. So, if the advertisers are hurting we’re exposed to them slashing their marketing budgets. Through the lockdown and beyond I’ve been in talks every week with industry here and abroad. And, as the cycling trade is doing pretty well at the moments there’s some good and bad news…
In order to survive in the current climate we will need to move our title from a quarterly to a premium (and thicker) bi-annual publication. It will have a focus on long-form journalism, photo-essays and have in-depth content; from storytelling to reviews to behind the scenes articles and more. We will continue to carefully curate the content and consider every last detail in the journal’s production, to create the most beautiful publication possible.
The journal will be complemented by our digital platforms, which will be used for bite-sized content pieces, reviews and exclusive articles to keep you informed in-between publications. We are also launching a new subscriber-only podcast series over the next few months – once we’ve done the first one, and ironed out the issues, we will bring them to you exclusively on a monthly basis. Along with podcasts, we’re putting a big focus on bringing you more events, tours and activations in order to help grow and drive a real cycling community. Our next issue will be available in October 2020.
I’d really like to say ‘thanks’ to our readers for their continued support! And, I can’t wait to bring you the next volume.